Leonardo da Vinci once said ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. There is a lot of wisdom in this quote. Maybe that’s why nowadays we insist on complicating our lives with so many things, information, ostentation, expectations. The older I get, the more I realize that what really works is the simple things. The kind of “grandma recipe” that everybody knows the steps. If you want to be healthier, for example, you need to eat and sleep better and move your body as much as you can. You don’t need a lot of supplements or special equipment for that, you just need to keep it simple and practice with consistency.
The excess of information and the comparison of social media could give us the impression that we need the best tech available or the most innovative method to achieve our goals.
When that happens, go back to basics and keep it simple again. We don’t need amazing recipes or the newest technology. We need to uncomplicate. Simplify. For work, for studies, for life, the simple works.